National Coaches Workshop 2023
RDA Australia 2023 National Coaches Workshop
When: September 1st – 3rd 2023
Venue: Marcus Oldham College, 145 Pigdons Road, Geelong Victoria 3216
The 2023 National Coaches Workshop is available to all RDA Nationally Accredited Coaches and all L0 Coaches in training. Once again, we are thrilled to have Marcus Oldham College facilitate us with their hospitality and college accommodation.
The event will be practical, interactive, and engaging for RDA Coaches of any level of experience, as it will consist of a mixture of small rotational groups, information session electives and interactive discussion groups.
The 2023 National Coaches Workshop is an event that is not to be missed!
Session times and dates at a glance
Friday 1st September 2023
2pm: Registrations open
5pm: Welcome drinks, RDA Australia Q&A Panel, Community BBQ.
Saturday 2nd September
9am: What is the functional state of play in RDA centres? With Justin Dent.
10.30 am: Rotational group sessions
4pm: Discussion groups
6pm: Dinner and organised event
Sunday 3rd September
9am: Rotational group lesson planning
1pm: Information session electives
10.30AM Rotational group sessions
Communicating with horses, risk management, and training structure. With Nic Tassone from Raising the Standards
Coach with courage: Teaching riders of all abilities. With Mary Longden
The workplace mindset of an RDA coach. With Justin Dent
4pm: Discussion groups
Attendees can choose to attend one of four peer led discussion groups. This will enable our coaches to express their ideas and acquire knowledge of what works in other RDA Centres.
The topics will be about:
- The Coach Educator role: How it works and how it could work better.
- Centre culture and people management.
- Volunteer training and recruitment.
- Personal development support for the RDA Coach.
9am: Rotational group lesson planning
Progressive and inclusive lesson planning. With Mary Longden
Senses and Fun Program – Decision making, developing relationships, work life skills and communicating effectively. With Nicole King from RDA NSW
1pm: Session Electives
- Autism Communication
- The complexities of Downs Syndrome
- Auslan in RDA setting: practical examples of communicating with Auslan while handing a horse.
- Practical solutions for riders with Cerebral Palsy and how to apply these to an RDA setting.
- Empowering Level 1 Autistic girls and young ladies to embrace their love of horses.
- Communicating with participants who are blind or vision impaired
- Coaching towards Para, Virtus, Special Olympics and other integration pathways.
- Lunging
- Basic horse health
- Bits to suit each individual horse and purpose.
- Horse Bio Security
More information session electives to be announced in detail!
To view full details of an individual ticket – click on the ticket below.
Ticket 1
Full workshop and entertainment and accommodation package- Friday afternoon & opening night BBQ
- Saturday Workshop Day attendance and evening entertainment
- Sunday workshop day attendance
- 2 nights accommodation
- All meals and refreshments
- Full Conference Pack
Ticket 2
Workshop and entertainment package- Friday afternoon & opening night BBQ
- Saturday Workshop Day attendance and evening entertainment
- Sunday workshop day attendance
- All meals and refreshments
- Full Conference Pack
- Accommodation and breakfast
Ticket 3
Workshop ONLY package- Friday afternoon & opening night BBQ
- Saturday Workshop Day attendance only
- Sunday workshop day attendance only
- Lunch and morning and afternoon teas
- Full Conference Pack
- Saturday night entertainment
- Accommodation and breakfast
Ticket 4
One day Workshop package- Saturday OR Sunday day attendance only
- Lunch and morning & afternoon teas
- Mini conference pack